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Hamlet: The Time is Out of Joint

Tempest Studios 140 Kelly Alley, State College

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet adapted by Cynthia Mazzant "The test of love is vengeance: but love must be kept alive by memory: Remember Me." Do our lives flash before our eyes at the moment of our death? What do we remember, what do we choose to forget? How long may one be gone before they may...

Alice in Wonderland

Tempest Studios 140 Kelly Alley, State College

Join our Children's Ensemble as they recreate the topsy-turvy, curvy-wurvy world of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass with some of your favorite moments.  And as Alice says, "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense." Hmmm, "curiouser and curiouser."

Hamlet: The Time is Out of Joint

Tempest Studios 140 Kelly Alley, State College

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet adapted by Cynthia Mazzant "The test of love is vengeance: but love must be kept alive by memory: Remember Me." Do our lives flash before our eyes at the moment of our death? What do we remember, what do we choose to forget? How long may one be gone before they may...