The information below will make your participation in the Festival more enjoyable and safe.
Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for Festival news and updates.
Use the hashtag #artsfest to tag us in your posts. We’d love to see and share your experiences!
If you have any questions, please contact us.
On Site Info

Key Festival Information
Medical, fire, and police emergencies: Dial 911 on the nearest phone or report to information booth personnel or to an Arts Festival official wearing a green and white badge.
For non-emergency assistance:
Campus 814.863.1111
Borough 814.234.7150
Emergency medical services are available during festival hours in 108 Sackett Building on the campus mall close to College Avenue.
State-certified emergency medical technicians and paramedics are on duty to provide assistance. Medical-team personnel wear white uniform shirts with the EMS insignia.
- On campus: Sackett, Electrical Engineering East, Willard, Deike and Hosler Buildings
- Downtown: Pugh Street Garage, Fraser Street Parking Plaza, Schlow Centre Region Library, State College Municipal Building
- Other: Portable rest room facilities are on Foster Avenue at Sidney Friedman Park and at the southeast corner of the Fairmount Avenue School (Fairmount Ave. and “E” Alley)
Daily updates of Festival information are available at Information Booths located at the following intersections: Allen Street and College Avenue; Pollock and Burrowes Roads; Fairmount Avenue and Fraser Street.
Please inquire at the Information Booths regarding lost children, lost parents, or lost personal items. Medical, fire, and police emergencies may be reported at the same locations. General information is also available from officials wearing green and white Festival badges.
As much as we love pets, we ask you to leave them at home. Crowds and hot pavement do not add up to a pleasant experience for your dog or cat. Artists typically do not want you to bring an animal on a leash into their booths.
Please do not ride bicycles or skateboards in the Festival zone. If you do so, you will be asked to dismount by police and Festival staff.
You get a Festival poster and buy Festival shirts and other merchandise at the corner of College and Allen, in the center of the Festival route.
The Merchandise Booth hours are:
- Wednesday, 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
- Thursday-Saturday, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
- Sunday, 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
You may also order Festival shirts and posters online.
The official program guide published and distributed by Town & Gown magazine for the 58th Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts is available free at the Information Booths and many local businesses.
Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for Festival news and updates. Use the hashtag #artsfest to tag us in your posts. We’d love to see and share your experiences!
Stay in touch throughout the year by subscribing to the Arts Festival’s enewsletter.
The Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts encourages persons with disabilities to attend its presentations. All visual arts exhibitions and performances are accessible to people using wheelchairs.
In cooperation with the Festival, the Sight-Loss Support Group of Central PA, Inc. presents the Festival Eyes Sighted Guide Program to help visitors with impaired vision enjoy the Festival. Please call the Sight-Loss Support Group at (814) 238-0132 to arrange for a guide.
ADA Accessibility & Family Support
The Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts is dedicated to providing an accessible festival experience for everyone. We agree attending a Festival of this magnitude can be daunting for community members and families with special needs and families with young children. It is our goal to ensure everyone has a great festival experience.
Recognizing the majority of our Festival is mobility accessible, we are taking additional steps this year, through a partnership with the Schlow Centre Region Library, to provide consciously designated Sensory Oasis spaces where visitors can relax and recharge.
Schlow Centre Region Library: Your Oasis in the middle of the Festival.
For community members and families in need of sensory breaks, Schlow will host dedicated sensory spaces on the 2nd floor, in the Adult & Teen Library during the festival.
- Need a space, but not privacy, to relax and breathe, find the Quiet Area in the nook overlooking the intersection of Allen Street and Beaver Avenue.
- Looking for low stimulation with moderate activity to reduce stress, we recommend the Teen Space that overlooks the parking lot.
- For a more controlled environment, where music or games may be played, Joyce’s Sun Room is equipped with streamable music or audiobooks, coloring books, crafts, and other supplies to help alleviate stress.
CPFA welcomes and supports the rights and attendance of all persons with disabilities that rely on the special skills of a trained service animal. A ‘service animal’ is defined as “any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the handler’s disability.” Emotional support or comfort animals are not considered service animals under the ADA and therefore are not allowed at Disco Presents festivals. Please note that all service dogs, including those from out of state, are subject to local dog ordinances, which include a valid rabies certificate.
Parents and caregivers are welcome to feed their babies wherever they are comfortable in the library. For families who desire a private space to nurse or pump, Schlow offers a Nursing and Lactation Station. Simply stop by the Children’s Desk and ask a staff member to unlock the space for you, which also includes a toy for the entertainment of siblings, so the whole family can enjoy the space together. Please help us express our gratitude to Mount Nittany Health for their sponsorship of this essential space.
Schlow Centre Region Library is located in the center of Downtown State College. Our award-winning public library offers clean restrooms, public computing and printing, as well as an ongoing book sale.
Schlow is open to the public Wednesday, 9am-8pm, Thursday 12pm-8pm, Friday 9am-6pm, and Saturday 9am-6pm.
Cold spring water is available along the Festival route at the Information Booths (Pollock/Burrowes, Fairmount/Fraser and College/Allen). The water is sold by the CPFA for $2.00 per bottle.
The Arts Festival is pleased to have a trash recycling program as we work toward a long-term goal of a zero landfill waste event. Please deposit aluminum and glass containers, plastic bottles, lemonade cups and food compost in designated cans.
Thank you for helping the Festival and the Centre County Recycling and Refuse Authority in this important ecological effort. The Green Crew t-shirts are sponsored by Karch Auto.
Get a Bird’s Eye View!
Visit’s webcam to see what’s happening on the corner of Beaver Avenue and Allen Street.